How does Krates work?
Krates provides a REST API that you can use to make requests and store your JSON-based data easily.
Create a new Krate
Visit the dashboard and create a new krate. Each krate gets a unique ID.
Store your data
Make HTTP network requests (such as POST) to store data in a krate or a separate collection.
Modify your data
Modify or delete data using PUT or DELETE requests on a krate, a collection, or even an individual record.
Retreive your Data
Query your data with a GET request on a krate or a collection. Add sort, filter, and limit operations to enhance your query.
Krates is
Zero configuration required and super easy to use.
Krates is completely free to use and always will be.
Lightning Fast
Saving your data is just a HTTP request away.
Use krates with a backend server or directly from the browser.
Use Krates as a free service or host your own instance.
Protect your krates from unauthorized access.